The Movie is about to Begin - Kindly Take Your Seat


    Welcome to the movie theater.  My story – the film – will be told shortly.  You will be able to get to know me, as well as hear of my development.

    I was created as a puzzle in a rather long time ago.  Prehistoric man stretched his hands against the light, forming a shadow on the cave wall.  It was then that the idea of projection was born.  The magic lantern was invented in the 17th century, and developed until the 19th century.  It was one of my ancestors.  Past street artists built mechanical instruments in order to create an illusion of motion in the pictures screened through the magic lantern. These instruments are my cousins.  Actual cinema animation, however, was created only when the physiological phenomenon causing a picture to be engraved in the mind for some time after it disappears from sight-range was understood.  During the 1830’s, it was proved that when the eye observes a rapid sequence of static pictures the mind combines them together.  This is called the Vision Continuity Principle.  Photography, for which technology has existed since 1839, is my grandfather.  Only after faster means of exposure were discovered did my grandfather marry my grandmother – the camera; consequently, my father – the silent movie – was born.


Zohar Noy

POB 62029

Tel Aviv 61620


1 Welcome to the movie theater
1.1 A look from the outside
1.2 Buy a ticket and take a seat, the movie begins
1.3 Creative thought - Total pleasure
1.4 The Cinema is not a filmed Theater
2 I started as a mural
2.1 Prehistory
2.2 The invention of photography and motion photography
2.3 Two lines of dialogue heralded a new era
2.4 They “enrich” me - color
2.5 I possess a large selection of equipment
2.6 Skyrocketing stunts and special effects
3 A star studded sky
3.1 If we could only talk
3.2 The movie stars
3.3 Not only humans
3.4 The King and I
3.5 The chair is his - the director
3.6 Don't look at his direction
3.7 They tell my story - the scriptwriters
3.8 Music Maestro - the composers
4 I run away from my parents' home, traveling the world
4.1 My parents' home - the studios
4.2 Does everyone see - movie theaters and cinematheques
4.3 My brothers, heroes of glory, become famous and have a good time
4.4 When will I win, too?
5 The family of genres, imagination stirrers and blockbusters
5.1 Those were the days - the Wild West
5.2 If only I could sing
5.3 As long as you laugh
5.4 Watch it, I’m behind you!
5.5 We penetrate every domain
5.6 My older brother - Mr. Animation
6 A personal look
6.1 The cinema in Israel
6.2 Philately and cinema
6.3 Commemoration - we always remember them
6.4 Donation campaignes
6.5 You - the audience

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This page was last updated on 19/03/2003 .
Created by Alex Frenkel© 2002